Friday, December 31, 2010

Multi Colored Fun Over Christmas Break

The kiddos and I had lots going on over the Christmas Break from school.  We entertained family and friends and got rested up for the long stretch until spring break. I get to go back to work on Monday and see my other kids. (4th graders)  I love my job, but a big part of me would love to stay home with my own babycakes!  I told my son that momma has to go make some money to pay for new toys! haha. He's not too upset!  My itty bitty baby girl will just be daddy's girl til I get home.  Yes, he works too, but our schedules overlap.  His job entails reminding people to slow down, wear seatbelts, etc.  I'm sure you probably figured out what he does.  (he works for the state)haha!

Well, I have been wanting to try melting crayons together for awhile, and I tried it with my 4th graders at school and failed miserably!  We tried heating them up on the stove and then mixing them together to get a multi-colored crayon.  Long story short they all ended up brown and brownish green.  So, I thought I would try and perfect it at home first, then try again with the school kids.  I have to say they came out pretty cool!

I first took off all the paper off all the crayons.  I found that if I put them in hot water the paper came off a lot better.

I broke up all the crayons and put them in a mini-cupcake pan.  I put them in the oven on 400 degrees for about 7 minutes. 

Beautiful! Look at what came out of the oven, fabulous new crayon colors.

Let them cool for a couple of hours and pull them out of the cupcake wrappers.

My son trying them out

Fun Momma!

I loved doing this!  I am going to look for some silicone molds or candy molds and try it again.  I have a huge tub of crayons at school, that need a little tender love and care. 

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

totally cute crayon tins

This idea is so dang cute! I love the way the crayons look in the cans.  Wow, I am easy to please!  This is a project that I am going to put on my to do list! Check out Mom's Crafty Space for the details!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

New to Blogging

Well, I finally did it....started a blog.  I don't know who will follow, if anyone! But, I think it might be fun. It has taken me all day just to get this far. My kiddos are demanding....jeez! haha I have been on Christmas break and and am enjoying the time off immensely! Does this posting have a spell check? I'm sure it does, just don't see it yet.  I will figure it out soon enough.  On my time off I have been enjoying time with family and attempting to be creative and crafty!  More to follow on the craftiness.