Sunday, January 9, 2011

Twinkle Toes

Well, I saw this on this on samstermommy and loved it!  Her's is called Glitter Toes, I'm kinda partial to Twinkle Toes! On her blog it says that it  is the new craze! I looked at her posting date and its from a little over a year ago. I guess I'm a day late, but not a dollar short!  I live out in the back country too, so Twinkle Toes is definitely new to me!  I had all the goodies at home to twinkle my own toes.  I wonder, if  I could get my Itty Bitty to stay still enough for me to do this to her little piggies! Maybe, if I do it while she is sleeping. 

 I followed samstermommy for the most part, but I used a clear coat first and then sprinkled the glitter on.  It seems to be working fine!  I might try the color polish next time, if I did a color such as red.  I apologize for my feet!  They have been through alot!  The bunions (what a funny word) are from my dad's side of the family! We all have them. (side note: thinking about getting them taken off) Anyway, they look way better in the real!

The flash makes my feet look really white!

Here is a pic with no flash 

I included this one, because it looked cool, and shows they really are Twinkle Toes!

I put two coats of clear on top of the glitter.  I waited about a half an hour between clear coats.

You will fall in love with Twinkle Toes, I promise!

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